Celebrating Over a Century of Service in the Ojai Valley  •  Since 1911

L o c a t e d  a t  4 4 1  E a s t  O j a i  A v e n u e  •  O j a i ,  C a l i f o r n i a

P.O. Box 442 Ojai, CA 93024-0442

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President Judie Beckett

Membership Chair:

Donna Lloyd ojaidonna@sbcglobal.net

Patti Bagley

Mailing Address:
Ojai Valley Woman's Club
PO Box 442
Ojai, CA 93024


2023 – 2024 Elected Officers:

Co-Presidents: Judie Beckett & Priscilla Granade

Co-1st Vice Presidents - Dean:
Kathy Smith & Diane Grossman

Co-2nd Vice Presidents - Membership:
Donna Lloyd & Patti Bagley

3rd Vice President - Fundraising:
Ixchel Gladstone

4th Vice President - Programs:
Heidi Whitman

Treasurer: Debbie Becker

Recording Secretary:
Pat Essick

Correspondence Secretary: Suzanne Shaffer

Appointed Officers:

Rental Liaison: Ginny Rockefeller 

Grounds: Judy Murphy

Parliamentarian: Connie Biggers

Historian: Joanne Caldwell

Federation: Ellen Ansok


Standing Committees:

Newsletter Editor: Joy Edwards-Beckett

Donna Lloyd, Judy Murphy,
Lynne Woods, Becky Beckett


Working Committees:

Reading Group/ESO book club:
Ellen Ansok

Webmaster: Donna and Robert Lloyd

White Candle Ceremony:
Joanne Caldwell



Member of the GFWC (General Federation of Women's Clubs, Int'l),
CFWC (California Federation of Women's Clubs), and
TAD (Tierra Adorada District #14 Women's Clubs)

Windward Web site by Lahaina Computer (805) 796-0077