Celebrating Over a Century of Service in the Ojai Valley  •  Since 1911

L o c a t e d  a t  4 4 1  E a s t  O j a i  A v e n u e  •  O j a i ,  C a l i f o r n i a

P.O. Box 442 Ojai, CA 93024-0442

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The Ojai Valley Woman's Club holds afternoon tea meetings
at 2 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month (September through June)
in their clubhouse located at 441 E. Ojai Ave.
Prospective members are always welcome.


Our mission has always been to raise money for worthy causes in our community. One of our primary objectives in moving ahead and into the 21st century is to repair and renovate our Club House. The building is a Historical Landmark, and we want to preserve it and make it more attractive for other organizations to rent and thereby provide revenue for the causes we support.

Other past supported causes are:

Contributions to Ojai Education Foundation

Donation to Ojai Independence Day Committee

Donation to Girls' Empowerment Workshop

Donation to the "Libbey Bowl Project"

Donation to "Search and Rescue Dogs"

Contributions to the Community Assistance Food Project

Contributions to the Forest Service's "Pennies for Pines"

Purchase of an oven for the International "Solar Oven Project"

Coordinating local student art for the GFWC Student Arts Festival

Pull Tab Collection for the Valley Children's Hospital in Fresno

Distributed sunflower seeds for the "Save the Bees Project"

"Adopt A Family" at the Holidays

Donation to the Crime Victims' Assistance through the County District Attorney's Office

Donation to the Interact Nordhoff High School Rotary

Donation to "HELP of Ojai"

Ojai Day free use of Club House for Organizing Committee

Scholarships for two Ojai Valley graduating senior girls

Reduced building rental rates to non-profit organizations

Member of the GFWC (General Federation of Women's Clubs, Int'l),
CFWC (California Federation of Women's Clubs), and
TAD (Tierra Adorada District #14 Women's Clubs)

Windward Web site by Lahaina Computer (805) 796-0077